BL Review: A Gentlemen’s Agreement Between a Wolf and a Rabbit by Shinano Oumi

A gentlemen’s Agreement between a Wolf and a Rabbit by Shinano Oumi

English publication: Digital Manga Publishing

Romance and comedy

Fun, witty and sexy. Combined with smuttiness and comedy. I was lucky to find this manga. I discovered it at my local library. It was tucked away and covered by massive books. I was surprised to see this manga in a quiet library.

At first glance It’s smutty but as I read it I have actually grown to the storyline. I borrowed it and check if it available to buy on Amazon or Book Depository. Book Depository has a copy to buy for £11.99 (pushing the price), I brought it for £8.99 via Amazon marketplace. I know June Manga are expensive and are rare to have so I brought it immediately.

The Male characters are hunky. Kairou and Togawa work at a toy company, and they always have beef with each other. Everyone thinks they are enemies but behind closed doors, they are secretly lovemaking.

This manga has 8 stories inside, Kai and Toga are the main character and the others are sub stories. The relationship between Kai And Toga is very funny. They say sarcastic words. Togawa always attempts to get into Kairou’s downstairs department.

The side stories are fun to read too. My favourite is ‘Aroma of Romance’ a love affair between a salesman and a scientist.

The drawings are good, with a masculine style of manga art style.

It is a feel-good manga, My first choice to pick if I wanted something lighthearted with sauce on top,

You can buy this manga at Book Depository or via Amazon

I would recommend this manga as put of your BL collection. 4/6 stars